dinsdag 20 oktober 2009

Facebook of SMS na de sex.

Waar veel partners vroeger na de sex een sigaret opstaken gaan ze tegenwoordig namelijk 'aan de social media'. Uit onderzoek onder jongeren tot 35 jaar blijkt dat 36 procent van hen direct na de sex hun facebook account checkt, twitter feed update of SMS-t.

We asked our sample of gadget-savvy online individuals how much they used social media in various settings. Turns out there is a big difference between those 35 and younger and those older than 35. The older crowd indicated they spend a reasonable amount of time checking in on social media services while the younger set spends what seems like an awful lot of hours texting, and checking in with their social media sites everywhere they are whether it's in the car, at work, on vacation, or even after sex.



About the Gadgetology Report.
The Retrevo Gadgetology Report is an ongoing study of people and electronics from Retrevo, the consumer electronics shopping site. The data for this report came from a study of online individuals (non-Retrevo customers) conducted by an independent panel. The sample size was 771 distributed across gender, age, income and location in the United States. The responses have a confidence interval of 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.

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